سه‌شنبه، شهریور ۱۷، ۱۳۸۳


these days all weblog providers trying to enhance their services and blog spot is one one them . i dont know how much you know about the new featuers in blogspot but i say it's really exciting. and the best one of these new features is posting passage by e-mail to your weblog.
it means that you dont need to go to the blogger's site  to send your new post you can use a mail program for sending your post.
but there's one problem that the blogger doesn't support farsi by mail . at first it was strange  and i used all of the ways for sending a farsi post but none of them did not respond .i think maybe it will be enable in the futures.and this is why i send this post in english.

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برای اینکه اولین کسی باشم که دارم کامنتهامو میخونم، بعد از خوندن منتشر میشوند. ممنون از نظرتان